In class, Professor K. had mentioned the program Google Wave several times, and I wasn't really sure what it was, but it interested me. I found out that it is the newest platform for the growth of social media. It is still in the very early testing stages, so this kind of technology is known as a Beta. In order to become a part of Google Wave you have to be invited to join. I thought that I was not the type of person that would be invited because I am not really in touch with my technological side. But... my husband was invited to join by a friend, and because he knew I was in Com 435, and I might enjoy it, he invited me.
So, Google Wave is a mixture between instant messaging and e-mail. They have what is called a wave, which is a message that is sent and can be seen in real time. If I were at the library and sent a wave to my husband who was on at home, he could get it the moment I completed it and reply immediately. Or, it could function more like a normal inbox, and be waiting for him the next time he logged on.
Not only is Google Wave good for just social messaging, but also for organizing and planning events, or group brainstorming. There will also be a combination of other media options such as photo sharing, instant weather updates, videoconferencing, teleconferencing, and gaming. Because all of these are in the same place, it will greatly increase the user's efficiency and be very user friendly.
I sincerely believe that Google Wave could completely change the way that we use the internet.
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