Saturday, December 12, 2009

Research Poster Presentations

Last Monday, I did a research poster presentation (similar to a Science Fair layout) on Google Wave. I did the research on Google Wave through using it- I watched the introductory how-to videos, and sent messages to my husband (the only other person that I know who currently has it). I also did research by searching the web for other people's opinions on Google Wave. I felt like I had quite a bit of information and I thought the presentation went well.

As my poster stated, I think that Google Wave is going to make a great impact on the technological world as we know it because Google Wave not only has created a mixture between messenger, e-mail, and Google Documents in real time, but has brought a lot of options to one single place. The Google Wave user will be able to access all of the elements that they would need from their Google Wave account, like gaming, weather, maps, teleconferencing and videoconferencing among others.

It was nice to have people come and ask me about Google Wave, because many of them had heard of it but were unsure what it did or how to use it. Some people even had invitations but had not accepted them yet because they were unsure. After telling some people about the technology, they wanted me to use one of eight invites to invite them to use Google Wave.

On Friday, the other half of the class did their poster presentations and those of us that went on Monday became the audience. It was really great to walk around and see the emerging technologies and which of those people thought were important. As an audience member you had to post tweets on Twitter of your thoughts about the posters. It was really cool to see the updating tweets on the screen in the front of the classroom. On both days there were a lot of great presentations, you could see that people put a lot of effort into them.

This class, Communication 435- Emerging Technologies and Communication, has really provided me with a lot of insight into the digital world. I was never a big "techie," I just used a lot of the programs that were mainstream. Through this class I not only learned how to use more technologies, but how they worked, and the best way to tell others about them.

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